
Friday, September 15, 2006

October's House of Blues

Okay, okay, so I don't keep up like a should. I am angry at myself for this because writing is such a catharsis for me.

Anywho, these are some of the non-stop notions plaguing my brain:

I love Blue October! Their new CD, Foiled, receives continuous play in my ole Honda Accord. (Man I have such a geeky car.) My favorite track being "Into the Ocean." Something about the chords gives it an Asian sound and I just love it. My husband, not so much a fan, says I like it because it has a very 80's feel. I replied, "So do you. Does that mean I get a new husband?"

Then to my glee, Blue October was interviewed in studio by Kidd Kraddick in the morning last week. I unfortunately did the "grown-up thing" and went to work instead of heading out there to see them. Regret still rests on my heart, especially since they won't be performing in Dallas any time soon. The interview was perfect and they even played my fave live on air:)!

On to another adoration of mine: House on Fox. Is it just me or does playing a cynical ass make Hugh Laurie super hot?! The show may be formulaic, but the dialogue never gets old. Not to mention the fabulous characters and their emotional interactions. I even wanted to write a research paper with this thesis:

The literary elements of characterization and dialogue are the key to the success of television drama; for example they are the driving force behind Fox's hit show House.

Naturally my prof did not find this a suitable topic for a graduate research paper. C'mon it would at least be more entertaining that dissecting the symbolism of a short story. I would know, I'm an English teacher!

With those two passions set aside, I have to comment on my station in life. This year I have realized why teaching means so much to me. The students make each day of my life mean something. This year they stop by to see me or "give me a shout out" when there are school functions. Their smiles and desire to succeed motivate me every morning and it truly touches my heart that I'm making some kind of impact in their lives. Even my challenging pupils that want me to care, but don't want me to know that they want me to care are worth getting out of bed for every school day. I find myself willing to stay later or help more because these kids want it and appreciate my effort.

As if this post couldn't get any more obnoxiously positive, my husband and I bought a house! Now all I need to do is pay someone to move for me. I loathe packing! The unpacking doesn't bother me and I'm not even irked by the transporting of the boxes and furniture. For some bizarre reason packing makes my skin crawl, kind of like doing the dishes.

For now I will say "adieu" and prepare for tonight's high school football game. Gotta love that Texan football pride!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

4 Days to Rome

Well, I've almost made the entire month without seeing my husband. Frankly, it is killing me and I can only hope he is feeling the same pains of loneliness. I cannot wait until Sunday when I get to see him again.

Unfortunately for now I am in a small slump. The Dallas Mavericks just lost to the Miami Heat for the NBA title. Now, I am proud that Dallas made it all the way, but deep down my whole world is not going to come to a crashing halt because they lost. Basketball is not really my thing. I prefer Dallas Stars hockey and I am used to being disappointed with them. (Not that I love them any less.) So my sister left the house in tears and my poor father didn't even get a win on his 51st birthday. Hopefully there are better times around the corner. Either way, I think Mark Cuban kicks total ass!

Last night I viewed In Her Shoes. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this movie. The best character development was the dynamic between the two sisters. I am so close to my own sister that it was easy for me to understand why Toni Collette just couldn't let Cameron Diaz down. The storyline flowed nicely and there were fantastic poems used throughout the movie. As an English teacher this really pushed me towards adoring this film. It gets a full 5 out of 5 hearts.

Right now I am avoiding taking a shower and going to bed. It isn't that I'm not tired, but I have to wash my hair and I'm really not looking forward to it because then I will have to blow dry it. And that takes forever. Perhaps I will just go ahead and go to sleep and get up super early in the morning to wash and dry it...nah I better be going. Until next time...perhaps in Rome.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Worlds Apart

Happy Father's Day to any dads that stumble across my blog for today. I hope that the month of June is treating everyone well. As usual, the summer Texas weather is being rambunctious and we are having an incredible lightning storm right now. I naturally cannot sleep with the sky illuminating every five seconds so I thought I would type out a quick entry.

I do have a movie review for today: The Family Stone. This movies sucks. I almost cannot bring myself to give it a proper review because of my extreme hatred for the movie. In order for any movie to be effective, it needs characters that are multidimensional and that the viewer can relate to and feel for during the film. Sarah Jessica Parker's character was easy to despise due to her obnoxious compulsions. The problem is that it was too robotic, no one would want her at their family Christmas and I would never be able to deal with her after some of the crap that spewed forth from her mouth. The Stone family was equally despicable. Who would want to be part of them? There wasn't enough background between the family itself to really suffer along side them knowing that their mother was dying. (By the way, it isn't really all that obvious in the film.) The only redeeming quality of the film was Claire Danes because she looked stunning. So without further ado, I award this movie 1/2 a heart out of 5 hearts. Not to mention the movie was so bad it has thrown me into a funny funk all day.

On the homefront I am being tormented by the fact that my husband is countries away and cannot find the time to call or to send a small email to let me know that he hasn't fallen off of the earth. Grant it, he has been doing a good job of calling everyday even though the cell bill will be outrageous, but he spoiled me in doing this. Now I lay with the house phone and my cell phone on the pillow next to my head as I attempt to sleep in hopes he will call. I also run to my computer every 20 minutes or so to see if I have received any emails. I know he has read mine because he checks them every day, a little courtesy is all I ask. Just let your wife know about all the fun you are having without her miles and miles away...(no bitterness here:)). I'm not angry...he he he

Seriously, I am jealous that he is traipsing around Europe, but that is all right because in one week we will be together in Rome. Ah...I can hardly wait. I might even be inclined to jot down a couple of blogs once I'm over there. Till then I hear a Tylenol PM calling my name.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Smile File

Well, it's that time of year again to prepare for summer vacation! With the school year winding down, I finally have time to sit back and blog. I'm almost positive that my blogging will be updated much more frequently starting in June.

This past spring contained my very first trip over seas. I spent a high energy week in Ireland. (Money is already being saved for the day I go back.) The Irish were the nicest, most accommodating people I have ever met. What amazed me the most was the fact that they had bread, butter, and two types of potatoes at every meal and nobody was overweight. The food was divine and I had some scrumptious Irish stew that simply melted in my mouth.

The trip also held a lot of historical significance with visits to The Rock of Cashel where St. Patrick held his famous shamrock service, and we also got to view The Book of Kells at Trinity College. It was unbelievable how well preserved and beautifully the four books of the Gospel were done by monks centuries ago.

My favorite part of the country was in the South and Southwest regions. I did kiss the Blarney Stone (yes, I know what they say natives do to it), and I had some genuine fish 'n chips. The scenery was unmatched by anything else I had ever seen and it pained me to return. I'm definitely hungry for more traveling. Fortunately I will be satisfying that hunger this summer when I go to Italy, England, and Scotland.

Back to reality in the States. . .

I was asked to take on Honors Freshmen English and I overexcitedly agreed. Now I'm busy planning for all the new, cool things I will be teaching next year. This week is also Teacher Appreciation Week and I have decided it is my favorite week of the school year. I have been flooded with notes, food, and PowerPoint presentations showing gratitude from my students about their great experiences in my class this year. In my filing cabinet at home, I have created a "Smile File" (a great thing introduced to me in college) and it now holds all the wonderful notes that I have received. This is what teaching is all about. It isn't the vacations and it definitely isn't the pay. It is one of the times in my life when I have found my niche and I'm really good at what I do.

My summer will be plenty busy and this blog will be plenty full by August.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Movies and the Stars that make them

The end of the school day is quickly approaching and I know that if I don't blog now, I won't blog later.

Some monumental events have occurred over the past two weeks. I joined a health club and signed on with a personal trainer. I have yet to regret my decision even though my body is planning a mutiny some time soon:). I was given a meal plan with foods that I would not touch with a 100,000 foot pole. I looked at my calorie count and I am allowed 1400 a day. I figured that as long as I stay under that number, I could modify my eating habits to include foods that don't taste like cardboard or Styrofoam. I just pray to God that I see results eventually and that my $600 was not spent in vain.

Number two cool thing to happen: I attended a workshop on teaching about the Holocaust. It never occurred to me that all these facets were involved in that period of history. There are so many things to look at and people to study. My favorite was a session on "Myths and Misconceptions." We got to speak with two survivors and had a teleconference with the actual United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ( in Washington D.C. The neatest fact was the Jerry Springer-esque involvement that Hitler's paternal grandmother had with two different brothers (one being her husband), thus clouding the validity of Hitler's bloodline. I was able to reunite with an old high school chum, she was attending the conference for another high school in my district, and we had a great time.

Last Wednesday my husband and I attended a private screening of Firewall. This is Harrison Ford's new action movie. If the screening had not been free, I would have demanded my money back. There are already a slew of Harrison Ford movies where someone is in jeopardy and he has to fight his way to save him/her. I did not feel a single thing for any of his family members and wished they would have died to spice up the ending. The only character that drew any attention from me was the antagonist played by the marvelous Paul Bettany. The underlying message of the movie was to be aware of identity theft, but my message is to: SEE ANOTHER MOVIE. It wasn't a total waste of time, because the great Harrison Ford was there in person to answer questions after the film ended. He looks great for a guy in his mid 60s. In all honesty, I truly love him, I mean, could you picture anyone else playing Han Solo or ole Indiana? He also has no delusions about acting as an art. He understands that he is handed a script, does his job, and goes home at the end of the day. He enjoys what he does and respects all aspects of the film making industry. Mr. Ford is definitely on my "cool guy" list.

I had a "girl's night out" with one of my dearest friends and we rented a movie called St. Ralph. Everyone see this movie! In fact, rent this instead of paying to see Firewall. This movie captured the essence of a young man in a Catholic school being told to forget about believing in miracles. He wants to win the Boston Marathon, which would be a miracle, and use that miracle to save his mother who is in a coma. Being a devout Catholic, I loved the way everything was handled and the actor who played Ralph was simply adorable. My friend said it best when she told me that when the movie was over, it would be one of my favorites. It just plain makes you feel good inside. 4 out of 4 hearts for this warm and fuzzy masterpiece.

Now for the biggie: I MET THE GREAT GONZO! That's right, I met Dave Goelz the voice of Gonzo and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew from the Muppets and the voice of Boober Fraggle. Those close to me know about my devout adoration for Jim Henson, what he stood for, all he did, and the legacy that carries on after his death. The chance to meet one of the original "muppeteers" had me all a flutter and shaking like a 5 year old on her first day of school. I wasn't sure it was going to work out. My husband and I went to the theater, where they were showing three unaired episodes of Fraggle Rock, to purchase tickets and meet Mr. Goelz. Unfortunately they sold out of tickets ten people in front of us and I cried all the way back to the car.

When I got home, I decided that that was not going to be good enough. I mustered up the courage to go back up to the theater and ask if I could just meet Mr. Goelz after the movie. Not only did they say 'yes,' but they also let me in the theater and sat me right in front of him! Karen Prell, Red Fraggle and the worm from Labyrinth, was also in attendance so my adrenaline was flying all over my body. After the show, I was led to the very front of the autograph line and was the first to meet these two muppet icons! Some memories will be with me forever and this will definitely be one of them.

I hope this blog was a bit inspiring to show a little courage now and then and to always keep an open mind, even when it is being turned to mush by a bad movie:).

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Before Romeo and Juliet . . .

there was Tristan and Isolde, and quite possibly original storylines. I'm not saying the movie was a total bust, but I have seen versions of "forbidden love" done much better. A movie goer definitely feels the entire 125 minutes of the movie. James Franco as delectable eye candy couldn't even convince me that my $7.50 ticket was worth it.

Aside for my lapse in movie picking judgment, my Saturday has been relative stress free. My husband is busy "earning" money in Vegas for a couple of days so I'm taking full advantage of the big screen television. To my surprise, it has yet to combust due to the football playoffs not being viewed on it.

I actually just finished watching Miracle. Of all the sporting events in history, that is one I wish I could have been alive to see when it happened. Now I'm deciding which of my movies to watch next. It could be an inspirational teaching movie, due to the fact 20/20 showed just how far behind the US is in education. It's times like these, I feel like I picked a failing profession. What kills me is that everyone is aware of how crappy teachers have it and that the system is what is failing the kids, but no one wants to do anything about it. My own mother was furious at the suggestion that I educate my children outside the states.

Well, I just baked a cake and it is ready to be iced and eaten. Sorry this is relatively short, my life has been relatively uneventful.