
Saturday, July 02, 2005


It is late and I did not do this earlier like I normally do. I will keep it short and sweet. (Then again maybe not.)

I received estimates for some small body damage to my brand new car. Let's just say that the dealership really likes to stick it to you! They wanted $1167 and I would be paying $683 out of pocket, because my deductible is $500 and since the estimate is over $1000 I would have $183 worth of surcharges. Me no likey so I got two more quotes. The next one was $843, and I could have lived with that. The last place we went estimated $670 and BINGO we had a winner! No need to file insurance here. My car will be out of service for four days, but I will take it in the day my family leaves for a three day vacation. Ha Ha! Talk about perfect timing. I can live with one day without a car.

I bowled tonight and did pretty good. 113 was my highest score and that is a vast improvement over my usual 45.

My fiance told me I needed to review Hitch because we watched it yesterday. I told him if I was going to review it I would have done it after I saw it in the theater months ago. He wins, so here is the review:

I love Will Smith and he can do no wrong or make bad movies, we are pretending that Wild, Wild West doesn't exist. Eva Mendes is gorgeous and sassy to balance out Smith's charm and wit. Kevin James is the real star of this show. Watch the dancing seen and you have to fall in love with him, or realize that white men should not dance in public. (Trust me on this, it really is a safety issue.) There are laughs and even a comedic misunderstanding. . . oh sorry, I had Three's Company in my head. . .There is a mix up and it really is a great observation about relationships. I think a real "date doctor" may not be a bad idea for some men so I'll give this one 4 out of 5 hearts.

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