
Saturday, July 30, 2005


Of course I was paid today and after paying bills, I am officially broke again for the next three weeks.

I had an early morning with my friend, Jess, as we prepared for another whirlwind adventure in planning our school years. We had a mission before us and we accomplished it with great finesse. I needed to redecorated the walls in my class room, but I was drawing blanks when it came to ideas. I knew that my friend would fix the problem, and she did! I will have four bulletin boards instead of one and there will be some color in my room. The list had us going to Mardel for some border and supplies, JoAnn for fabrics for the backgrounds, and Office Depot for crates to put journals in this year. After a good lunch at Appleby's we visited Jess's mom at her school and she helped me come up with some good planning ideas for this year.

The afternoon was a little more cramped because I was to meet my fiance at 4 o'clock for a movie. We managed to put up two of the bulletin boards and I brought home a lot of planning stuff since I won't be able to get into my room until the end of next week. We also decided that we will have to go back tomorrow to clean out all of the Latin stuff that is still in there. I am so thankful that I have a friend that can turn a cruddy looking room into something fantastic. It is like having my own makeover show.

At 4:30 I saw Wedding Crashers and of course here comes the review:

WARNING: This film IS a chick flick. Fellas do not go expecting random comedy like Anchorman or Dodgeball. This is about romance between two characters under a false pretense, the truth is discovered and feelings are hurt, and finally things must be made right so that they end up together in the final scene.

I think my fiance was a bit disappointed in all the hype the movie received and did not enjoy it as much as I did, the Queen of Romantic Comedies. Owen Wilson was his natural adorable self, but the real credit for making this movie great goes to Vince Vaughn. He was the funniest character, with the best lines and perfect timing. What that man can convey in facial expressions is amazing.

The movie met all Romantic Comedy requirements and even though there was a bit of nudity, it really was not as offensive as the creators had painted it to be. Rachel McAdams puts in another wonderful performance, this time as a brunette, and of course the ending is a happy one. I was in a pretty good mood when I left the theater so it gets 3 out of 5 hearts.

My other friend, Alisha came in tonight to spend the night and we stayed up way too late. I actually should be sleeping since I must get up in seven hours to run errands.

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