Okay, so I was told I would teach 6 sections of Freshman English, then I was told I would have 2 sections of Freshman English and 4 sections of Sophomore English, and as of 2:00 P.M. today I am teaching 4 sections of Freshman English and 2 sections of sophomore English. This is just really confusing the heck out of my co-workers and me. I'll be glad when everything is set in stone and I can go on with my lesson planning. I am also frustrated because the janitors have yet to clean the floor that my room is on so I cannot move into it just yet. I really am getting anxious because I do not want to be trying to cram everything in at the last minute.
Enough talk of work, I still have four days of summer left.
My fiance and I had dinner at a place called TinStar. OH MY GOODNESS! Talk about super duper yummy delicious! They serve everything in flour tortillas. It is kind of an upscale fast food place. I ordered the bacon cheeseburger taco with fries and my fiance got a fish taco and a potato, bacon, and egg taco. The genius that combined burgers and tacos should forever more be revered as a fast food god. I ate every single bite of my food. I could not help myself. I knew as the last few bites were going down that there was a good chance I would see them again, but I did not care. It was absolute heaven to eat there and I told my fiance that this needs to go into our permanent rotation of places to eat.
We walked around the corner after dinner to meet some colleagues of my fiance at a bar. It wasn't really a bar because it only served different types of beers. Actually I know that this kind of place has a particular name, but I am too tired to think of it right now. Anyway, I refrained because I am not a beer fan at all. I admit it, I am a girlie drink drinker. I need it to taste fruity, be frozen, or the color pink to be happy. The day someone invents a beer that meets these requirements, he too will be revered as the hamburger/taco man is in my mind. We were social for about an hour and then decided to go back to my fiance's and spend some quality time. This actually meant that we watched poker on television while my fiance played with my hair. Sounds silly I know, but it is definitely an incentive to keep my hair long. Of course my fiance heard the online poker calling his name and that was that.
I need to mention an incident that occurred earlier this week that completely slipped my mind. I was in the drive through at CVS. As the pharmacist was retrieving my prescriptions I began to hear Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" coming from the car behind me. It was kind of muffled because all the other vehicle's windows were up, but I heard every word and felt the base vibrate my car. I had to see who this avid fan appeared to be, so I look in my rearview mirror and. . .
It was a guy in his early 20s driving a huge, white Ford F150 with no girl in the passenger seat and no one else in the truck.
Knowing what I know about the types of guys that own trucks in Texas, many questions quickly arose and I had to giggle to myself. It was like hearing Terror Squad's "Lean Back" would have even been a more appropriate thing to blare in a truck that size. I guess a Paula fan is a fan for life.
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