
Saturday, July 02, 2005

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night

Well, it is Saturday night and I plan on staying home with a good book. Actually I will be reading the books that are on the 9th grade reading list for the school I will be working at next year. I figure I can knock a couple out tonight and tomorrow. It is kind of sad, because I remember a time when I would get all dressed up and go out to live life. It just seems like I am shrinking away from life. I guess that is why I get so excited when I get to go to friends' parties. I am afraid of getting too comfortable with laying about or staying in. Another stupid fear is that I will stop being attractive or fun to my fiance. What if my vitality and ability to party, like a girl in her mid-20s should, is what he found so appealing in me? There is so much life to live and he has already lived a lot of it. How do I compete with that? I really do not think there is anything I could do that would be original to him. It doesn't sound like it should matter, but he is always exciting to me because I haven't experienced a lot of the same things. I love him so much and I hope he realizes that that will never change.

Okay, enough mushy notes that might induce vomiting in some:). I have no movie to review today, but I have a couple of things that really got under my skin. One: Today I was sitting in a drive through behind a car pulling a boat. How inconsiderate is that?! I mean really. I had to sit for ten minutes before I could even pull up just to order because the boat was sitting in front of the ordering board. Who pulls into a drive through with a boat?! Two: I was at a self car wash and a guy had all his car doors open and blasting horrific music. That's real nice jerk, subject decent people to the crap you listen to while we try to wash our cars in peace.

I suppose I could bake a cake while I do laundry before I read my books. I'm watching Law and Order: SVU and it is so addictive. Hmmm. . . my night keeps getting better and better. What I wouldn't give for a little excitement. . .

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