
Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's a Will-o-saurus

It is safe to say that today was infinitely better than yesterday. I believe the Cosmos had some balancing to do (or maybe I racked up a ton of positive Karma by maintaining civility towards GIL yesterday). Whatever the reason I'm incredibly grateful.

The father-in-law (we'll call him Pops) spent the day with us on our journey to the Carnegie Museums of Natural History and Art. Pops' rule is that the hubby and I pay for NOTHING while he's in town. Done and done. Trust me, I will not argue. Honestly, I think Pops sincerely enjoys having us here. He's really hit it off with my young William (then again, my son is too adorable not to love). He's even treating us to the zoo/aquarium tomorrow.

The recap for today's adventure with ole Carnegie is pretty brief because a museum is a museum. We walked around the dinosaur exhibit in the morning and then walked the few blocks to Primanti Brothers for lunch. Yum-o. If you've never had a Primanti Brothers sandwich, you are an unfortunate soul. You pick a type of sandwich (I'm a pastrami and cheese girl), and that is placed on the bottom piece of bread. Then they proceed to stack french fries and coleslaw on top of that! Heaven on Earth? Why yes it is. I have yet to be able to lift one though. I use a fork:

I know you can't tell, but there is meat and cheese at the bottom. It's a multi-course meal in between two pieces of bread! Genius!

After lunch we strolled through the Art museum, and I was actually impressed with the contemporary section (except for the piece titled "Drain"-it truly is too stupid to even explain-it was just a drain mounted in the wall). The way the museum was set-up made it easy to snake through time periods. I loved it. Pops even bought be a book of Andrey Avinoff's work because I was so mesmerized by it in the exhibit. Avinoff worked mostly with water color and charcoal, and I love it when my sister uses these mediums. I guess that is why I was drawn to him (as always-pun intended):
Iridescence courtesy of the Carnegie Museum of Art

We headed back and after a bit of relaxing (hubby was in desperate need of a nap) joined Pops for dinner. Now, mother-in-law (we'll call her Patience because he has had to put up with GIL for a significant amount of time longer than I) made a simple request that we bring her some Butler BlueSox gear back. The BlueSox are the prospect baseball team for her hometown. Naturally we couldn't just walk into JC Penney and find BlueSox paraphernalia, but hubby found out that the BlueSox would be playing the Slippery Rock Sliders (a few streets over from where we're staying) this evening. Figuring it would be worth a try, we packed up the Bugster and Pops and headed to the game. The bad news is that they were only selling Slider gear, but never fear dear Patience because hubby got the direct number to the BlueSox owner and will be calling him tomorrow. Apparently all the BlueSox stuff is locked in his law office for safe keeping. Hubby fully intends to swing buy and purchase some.

A quick shout-out to my kick ass hubby because he's been so encouraging when dealing with GIL and so accommodating in managing the Bugster AND a model son to a dad he sees every few years or so.

One more day down, and one more day closer to returning home. 

 Left: Hubby loves the triceratops Right: the biggest turtle EVER

Brushing up on fossil finding skills

I know this is incredibly morbid, but this is EXACTLY how they had all the birds set up in the aviary section. Depressing isn't it? They couldn't be flying through the air or at least up right? My husband suggested I find a way to photoshop this poor fellow onto his tummy and put him in ridiculous backgrounds as if he were "planking." The humor helped lift the tone a bit. Also, according to their chart, I would be a Kiwi, hubby would be an Ibis, and Willster would be a Puffin based on our personalities.

This sign is in the parking lot of the ball field. I suppose prospect baseball can be dangerous.

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