It occurred to me the other day that I need to round up some new friends. I have no intention of replacing my current ones! They are a hoot and I'd be lost without them, but if I ever plan to leave my house and have grown up contact ever again I MUST make some additional friends. See, I am married and have an oh-so-adorable two-year-old. This apparently disqualifies me from happy hours and get-togethers with my single counterparts. Okay, it makes sense, so it would seem logical for me to find other moms of wee ones to hang with while killing time this summer. But this is where it gets tricky because most moms (from what I've discovered) that tend to have play dates and do things with their little ones during the day are stay-at-home moms. I teach which means 9-10 months out of the year my son attends daycare. I most certainly don't live the lifestyle of the stay-at-home mom. I don't think it's wrong or anything. It's just not for me, so what do I have in common with these moms? Not to mention that my biggest fear is that I will lose myself to being a mom (because I'm an overachiever and will put 110% into any job I undertake) and then what happens when my son is 18 and out of the house? Who will I be?
I'm almost ready to put out a personal add, but I think that wouldn't be a great success. There is no denying my squarepeggedness (new word-look out Webster). Therefore, the person whom I seek would have to be equally odd (relatively speaking). I have plenty of gal pals that match one or two qualifiers, but I clearly don't see them enough because cabin fever is slowly starting to creep up on me. If anyone out there fits, please know I'd love to meet you:
1. Female
2. Late 20's to mid/late 30's
3. Lives within 20 minutes of me
4. Has children between 18 mo to 3 or 4 years
5. Either sews or would be interested in taking up sewing
6. Has a husband/partner obsessed with sports (most particularly the NFL and Longhorn anything-this will come in handy when either of us needs somewhere to go when fall rolls around)
7. Enjoys Star Wars, Muppets, Harry Potter, 80s anything (mostly John Hughes), superhero films, Linkin Park, Blue October, Muse, Phoenix, Lenka, British folk/pop/punk, shopping, shoes, reading, movies
8. Either has a full time job (preferably in education) OR is a stay-at-home mom who won't judge me because: I think organic is a scam, I hate putting my kid in a full body floaty to swim in a pool, I allow my child to watch television, I insist on teaching my son words like "cumbersome," and believe in appropriate discipline including spanking
See? I don't ask for a lot...okay, so it is a lot. But I truly believe way deep down that there has to be someone out there like me. If it's you, we should meet!
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