
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Staples Expedition

Day two of our family vacay has ended successfully. As a matter of fact, this might be a shorter entry because I'm exhausted and want to share a bunch of pictures. We spent the morning in Pittsburgh at the Children's Museum and IT WAS AWESOME! It is the coolest museum I've ever been too. I wanted to quit my job and move to Pittsburgh just so I could work there! Actually, it is so beautiful up here and the people are so nice, I gave some consideration to moving here. Then I remembered that it snows A LOT up here in the winter. I don't like snow. No...I HATE SNOW AND COLD. The thought of being snowed in or having to shovel my way out of places makes me cringe. That alone is enough to keep me in Texas (sinus issues and all).

Anyway, the museum was the perfect place for my son to run around and be all hands on with the exhibits. They have an area where kids just make various forms of art. Will painted three pictures, screen printed a picture, made paper, played with magnet art, and messed with playdoh. We killed nearly an hour in that section alone. Then we walked through the rest of the exhibits. The Mr. Roger's neighborhood was pretty cool, but a lot was lost on my son since Mr. Roger's is really my time and not his. However, everything else was beyond exciting and I had to take a few videos because still shots would not do the place justice. My plan is to make a short movie about our trip, so I'll share that when it is ready.

We did our family duties by visiting the grandparents this afternoon. They were disappointed to hear yet again (because he's said it numerous times before) that my hubby has no intentions of becoming a Freemason. They also tried to pawn more "stuff" on us but I stood my ground and might have even offended them. Then the grandmother insisted on Chris going through a small album and identifying all the relatives in it. (At one point she covertly accused me of not paying attention, but only she and Chris could see the album because it was small! What did she expect me to do?) The whole time this was happening I kept visualizing in my head this scene from Golden Girls (just the first 3 minutes-I think you'll get my point).

Finally it was time to go because our Bugster-Mugster was getting hungry and out of sorts, but not before we planned our excursion to Staples for tomorrow. I have no idea why the grandmother is insisting on this being an ordeal. We're shipping a box full of dishes not transporting Oscars. Ugh!

To maintain balance with the Force, I'll end with happy pictures from the museum today:

We're waiting to hear from the DMA to see when this will go on display.
Making paper from colored pulp. Pretty cool.

Anyone up for joining me on a trip to the Land of Make Believe?

One step closer to a Pirate's Life!

A giant Light Brite Board! How rockin' is that?

I'll be checking back in tomorrow, and I've also been tweeting periodically (WordNerd80) if you'd like to follow.

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