
Friday, July 01, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love You Tomorrow

There's a small part of me that is sad to see Pennsylvania go. It might have something to do with the fact I actually had a pretty good time this week, but mostly I think it is because the low at night has been around 50 and the high each day has only reached 75. As much as I love Texas, I do NOT love the humidity that awaits my return (neither does my hair).

Today's trip took us all to the zoo/aquarium. I don't think my two-year-old is quite ready for a zoo because he seemed more entertained by the playground within the zoo than the actual animals. Hmmm. I'll give it another go in a few weeks with the zoo back home.

This vacation has really caught up with me, so the rest of this post will be a short photo journal of my day; however, I am already compiling a "things I learned while traveling with a two-year-old" entry for tomorrow:

No, no, no Grampy! Don't feed me to the tigers!

Waitin' for the tram and eatin' Cheerios.

 Wow! The animals actually come out during the day at this zoo because it is ungodly hot.

No slide to big for this boy.

Holy cow! I've never seen a sign that designated someone be short.

This has nothing to do with the zoo, but I figured I should document my son's redneck tendencies.

1 comment:

  1. see? that's why he needs denim diapers!!
