
Thursday, April 18, 2013

There he is... MR. America?

Schedules aligned and I had enough energy to take my three-year-old to the Mr. True Blue Pageant where I work. Our student council started this event last year because they thought it would be nice to recognize the young men at our school since we have a Homecoming Queen but no King. (I'm sure using it as a fundraiser is also a bonus.)

Here's why I thoroughly enjoyed tonight: great kids still exist. Even though at the core a teenager has always been and will always be a teenager, there are so many things kids face today that never once crossed my mind when I was younger. I see the change more vividly perhaps since  I teach where I also attended and graduated high school. I also watch television and know that these kids have companies pandering to them in ways that wouldn't have even been allowed when I was growing up. (I just recently read that Victoria's Secret is going to have a new "department" for teen girls? I'm already concocting a blog about why I am glad I have two boys.)

Since the focus of this evening was on the young men, it was refreshing to see that regardless of what society tells these boys they are supposed to be, they manage to be well spoken, well mannered, well groomed, and well brought up. All of them had the support of family and friends. All the cheering was appropriate and fun. Not once did I have to put on my "teacher hat" to correct a negative situation. It was a great feeling!

I took a little pride in knowing that seven of the 18 contestants sat in my classroom at one point in their academic careers. It was wonderful being able to whisper in my son's ear, "That's one of Mommy's students." All of the young men were excellent examples for my son to be watching, and I was tickled when he got excited during the talent portion.

The talents ranged from cooking to singing to dancing to instrument playing. And my little boy loved it all. I loved the fact that my son could see all the possibilities before him of what he could do when he is older. 

The whole evening was a feel good kind of night. Teachers deserve nights like this and should cherish them. We are doing something right and this was a great reminder. Good job KHam! Be proud of your crew! I certainly am.

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