I have officially been in the year 2010 for 13 days. Even within the first two weeks of the new decade a ton has happened.
My 2010 Book Challenge: Much to the shock of my husband, I blew through Pretties, Specials, and Extras by Scott Westerfeld in four days. I couldn't help myself. Pretties and Specials are too captivating. Not only do I have a new favorite female protagonist (welcome to the ranks Ms. Tally Youngblood), but I have a new favorite author as well. I fully intend to read more of Westerfeld's novels. His writing style is fun and easy to fall into. The Uglies Series has earned a permanent spot on the bookshelf next to The Harry Potter Series, Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hitchhiker's Guide Series. Westerfeld's brilliant futuristic dystopia will also be a set that I will read again and again. I have issue only with Extras. It by no means ruined the series (like Breaking Dawn--that was just awful), but I am still trying to find its place among the magnificence of Tally and her journey to find her true self. Perhaps it is Westerfeld's genius as work again because Extras is simply that: an "extra" part of the story and one not necessary to complete the trilogy.
My baby got sick: Will has brought in the new year with a ruptured left ear, an ear infection in his right ear, and an eye infection in his right eye. Before anyone hands me the "Worst Mom of the Year" Award, I had already taken him to the doctor on suspicion of something wrong and was told that he was fine. He never had a fever, continued to eat everything we gave him, and happily played at daycare. I called to get him in again when more drainage began to appear from his left ear. Even when we went back to the doctor, Will did not have a fever. It felt like it came out of no where, but we do have antibiotic in his system now and drops for his eye and ears.
My hubby got a raise and has an interview for another position at work: Someday I would like to stay home with (hopefully) the three children I would like to have. In order for that to happen, my husband is working towards a position and paycheck that will allow me to do that. (Of course, my mind will wilt if I don't have some type of hobby so suggestions for that are welcome.) In the meantime he received a nice raise and will be interviewing to be on a special team at work that will get his foot in the door for bigger and better things.
There's my 2010 in a nutshell so far. Is it good? Is it bad? I have decided not to classify anything in those terms. So many people I know are already cursing this new year and wanting a redo of 2009 or fast forward to 2011. This hurts my heart because we have been given another year of life and a chance to make 2010 count for something. Even if the first two weeks have not been the best, there are 50 more to make 2010 a year worth liking. This is also why I refuse to make any resolutions. I will just live my life as the best Christian example that I can. As long as I do that, I shouldn't have to change or plan to change any unwanted behaviors. Thanks to my Culture and Society of Imperial Rome class last semester, Marcus Aurelius already aided in slightly altering my mindset last year. Putting my improved way of thinking and my desire to live a good life together should cover just about everything.
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