See, I spent a vast majority of this school year rather miserable. There are a million reasons why I was so unhappy. Most of them revolving around STAAR and the absolute crap decisions being made with regards to how my students deserve to be educated because of the stupid state exam. Yes, I was frustrated with everyone who doesn't teach telling me what I needed to do to be a better educator. Yes, I was irritated every time some snake-oil salesman convinced people in positions of power to waste money on unnecessary songs and dances we now have to perform in the classroom. Yes, I was furious that no one seemed to ask students and parents what they were doing to perform better. Yes, I allowed "black holes" (people whose sole mission in life is to drain all brightness out of any situation) to affect how I feel. My life simply continued to spiral down and I felt, as Anne Shirley would say, "I'm in the depths of despair." And what did it get me in the end? NOT. A. DAMN. THING.
That's right. Nothing changed. I stomped. I cried. I screamed. I pleaded. I demanded. And the same amount of "nothing changed" occurred. The only thing that seemed to happen: I remained miserable. I hated my job. I hated my life. And you know what? It really isn't worth it.
Sure, the world is full of downers, and life can really suck at times. However, the only thing I can control in those situations is how emotional I choose to become. Incredibly stoic I know. (Actually, ever since I read Marcus Aurelius's Meditations* years ago, I try to be mindful of my attitude.) Therefore, I can either become another "black hole" or realize that I can in fact change if no one and nothing around me will.
I'm also aware that there is real comedic genius behind a lot of the cynical views in current culture. Often, I have a laugh at a foible in society or the absurd actions of another. To me, that is fine. The problem occurs when that is the only place I choose to look for laughs. I mean, many a truth is told in jest, and only seeing the world through that lens does eventually bring me down.
So I've just decided to be happy. That's it. I will make decisions with the purpose of making sure the end result is that I am happy. I will also do what I can to help others be happy. There will come a time when none of my options may make me happy, but I can definitely choose the one that won't make me miserable. And even then, I can choose to take the miserable stuff in stride and cope rather than wallow. I'm also going to go back to the things that exist to make people smile: faith**, family, friends, Kid President,,, Action for Happiness, and definitely these guys:
Many people may be tired of this and all its variations, but I'm not because it's just...well...happy:
And if you prefer something old school:
*"Say to yourself in the morning: I shall meet people who are interfering, ungracious, insolent, full of guile, deceitful and antisocial; they have all become like that because they have no understanding of good and evil. But I who have contemplated the essential beauty of good and the essential ugliness of evil...cannot be be harmed by any one of them."
**"You are the light of the world....your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father." Mt. 5:14, 16
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