
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Easter Bunny Is Comin' to Town

Today is Ash Wednesday. Being a devout Catholic, I made sure to wake my boys up early to go to the first Mass of the day and receive ashes. Since it matters to me that my children understand their faith, I reminded my oldest that getting the ashes is a great way to prepare for the Lenten season which is the 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter. Then I asked if he could tell me why we think Easter is so important. His response: "That's when the Easter Bunny brings us stuff!"

First, he's 4 years old, so I can see how a basket of cheap toys and chocolate might rate more memorable than Christ dying for our sins. Second, if you really think about it, trying to explain The Crucifixion to a small child can be tricky. The story can be very dark and sad and violent. However, I am certain I will be able to communicate the importance of Easter when all is said and done.

As for me, the first question that spews forth when people hear I'm Catholic and it is Lent: "What are you giving up?" Here's why I struggle with that question. It seems so trite. How can giving up soda or sweets compare to the sacrifices Christ made while in the desert? Then a few years ago someone mentioned that maybe I could promise to DO something extra to strengthen my faith instead. I really liked this. One year I wrote 40 letters to people who mattered to me. It was an awesome way to remember that God is Love. Then I found Lenten devotionals to study. Yet now I feel like a sacrifice might take on meaning again since it has been a while since I "gave something up" for Lent. So I've pondered and considered and here is what I decided:

Spiritually: I will do my best to follow Busted Halo's Fast-Pray-Give calendar. This will help me focus on the three aspects of the Lenten season that will best prepare me for celebrating The Resurrection. As usual, I will also use a Lenten devotional to focus each day on scripture.

Emotionally: Writing is my happiness and release. Too much time occurs between blog posts. Goal: two blogs a week focused solely on the positive aspects of life. Even if a post needs to address a less optimistic concern, I will balance it with an uplifting (or maybe comical) spin.

Sacrificially: Television sucks away a lot of time in this house mostly because it is the best babysitter for the boys while I'm getting ready in the morning or when dinner is being prepared in the evening. Giving up all television wouldn't really matter to me because 90% of what I "watch" involves channels with "junior" in their title. What I CAN do is make sure the TV is off in the evenings and limited on the weekends. My hope is that dinner time will become more meaningful. (Yes, my family leaves the TV on during dinner. A crap habit I know.) Who knows? I might actually get some reading done that has been staring at me from the dust covered books on my nightstand.

And there is my Lenten plan for 2014.

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