My husband has a very strict rule regarding what he calls "movies with accents." Basically, he refuses to watch them or be in the room when I'm watching them. What he really is against are movies with British accents that take on a Jane Austen-y theme (let's face it-most of them are just plain Jane Austen movies). I get it. Not everyone is cultured and sophisticated enough to appreciate the genius of Jane Austen and similar stories, and I love my husband so it does seem cruel of me to make him sit and listen to me squeal or whimper depending on various plot points.
Lately, I have been very drawn to these type of stories/films. It has everything to do with my last post. (Yes, I reread
Austenland with the sole purpose of envisioning all the actors and actresses in the movie while reading.) I cannot seem to stop thinking about the many men with accents who allow me a little suspension of disbelief into a world of perfect romance through the big screen (and some are just plain hot regardless of the type of movie). Since lists seem to be a popular thing right now, I thought I'd create my own list of actors who bring out the absurd fangirl in me.
No particular order with the exception of the last one:
JJ Feild-Starting here just seemed logical since he's the one I'm "in love" with after seeing Austenland.
Tom Hiddleston-Love him as F. Scott Fitzgerald, but nothing tops the bad ass Loki. |
Michael Fassbender-He's the reason I switched who I root for in the X-Men franchise. |
James McAvoy-I'll take him with or without his accent (see Penelope). |
Dan Stevens-Who didn't fall in love with Matthew Crawley? |
Benedict Cumberbatch-I wonder what a high functioning sociopath like Sherlock Holmes would think of my list. |
Simon Pegg-Hey, I find humor attractive. Besides, there is that one shot in Hot Fuzz where he's all kick ass with guns, and it's awesome. |
Ioan Gruffudd-He is just as flawlessly gorgeous in real life. I've seen him. All I could do is stare from 20 feet away since I didn't pay $40 for his autograph, but trust me, he's HOT. |
Henry Cavill-Okay, this one really isn't for me. My sister and dearest friend (that's two people although my sister and I are good friends as well) are in love with this one, but he is super gorgeous and will round my list off at 10 rather nicely. |
Number one is and always will be:
Colin Firth-He IS Mr. Darcy and a role like that makes him irreplaceable in my heart. |
Wow. After a list like that, I have a feeling I'll have very sweet dreams (and if I'm lucky they'll happen with an accent).
Let's put another shrimp on the barbeeeee!