
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Damn the Man! Save the Empire! Part II

The second event that reinforced my desire to do right by my students regardless of "experts" dictating what I am supposed to do was my own recognition.

Two of my students chose me to receive a "SPUR" award during the annual awards ceremony. I received this because I "spur" them on to do great things and because our mascot is a stallion. Get it? Spur? Stallion? Okay, okay, it's a little cheesy but the point is that my students know that I care and will always make the best decisions for them. They might not always like the decision, but they appreciate it later.

I was also nominated for a $500 award for being such an awesome teacher. (I didn't win, but I was one of very few nominated.) This means that multiple students made a point to tell everyone that what I do matters. To my students I am teaching them so much more than English which is exactly how it should be.

It is for nights like this that I teach. Not to be recognized but to see that my students have learned from me and can take that with them when they graduate. I also teach for the brief times when a former student pops his/her head in my door for a quick 'hello' or 'have a nice day.' They know I love them and cherish all the memories we make in class. The fact that they learn some cool stuff along the way is a bonus.

So keep your stinkin' tests State Board of Education and your "minimal" standards and your desire to teach our kids learned helplessness and your stupid belief that failing a student damages a fragile ego. I'm going to teach the best way I know how and my kids will continuously succeed!

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